Screen capture from the ENOW Explorer tool

Economics: National Ocean Watch (ENOW) Explorer

Explore economic data that characterize the size and makeup of the ocean economy in about 400 counties of the U.S.

The effective management of coastal resources requires an understanding of the ocean and Great Lakes economy. This tool allows users to interact with Economics: National Ocean Watch data, which describe six economic sectors that depend on the oceans and Great Lakes:

  • living resources
  • marine construction
  • marine transportation
  • offshore mineral resources
  • ship and boat building
  • tourism and recreation

Users can discover which sectors are the largest in various parts of the county, which sectors are growing and declining, and which account for the most jobs, wages, and gross domestic product. They can view up to four counties, states, or regions to compare trends or the makeup of their ocean and Great Lakes economies. The ENOW Explorer’s interface is designed to allow users who are familiar with economic data to interact with and view data and trends. The tool provides the highest level of interaction with ENOW data short of downloading the full dataset.


  • Creates charts representing how much ocean resources contribute to the coastal economy
  • Displays changes in the contributions of ocean sectors to the coastal economy over time
  • Compares coastal economies of similar geographies
Last modified
10 May 2024 - 12:15pm